Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Air Travel Tips

Air Travel Tips - Important for Parents of Young Children

Are you the parent of an infant, toddler, or preschooler? If you are, are you also in the process of planning a trip that requires air travel? If you are, you may be dreading your upcoming flight. After all, complications are all that many parents can think of. With that said, there are a number of ways that you can make flying with your young children not only easy, but fun as well.

For children under two years of age, you will first want to examine the pros and cons of getting them their own seat. Many airlines allow children under two to sit on the lap of an adult. Getting an extra seat for a child under two will cost money, but you may be able to get a small discount when contacting the airline in question. On the other hand, you will be able to have your own seat, which will be nice. Most car seats can fit into airline seats. Speaking of which, if you need to bring a car seat or a stroller, it will need to be scanned by airport security.

As for strollers, they are a good idea, even for children who can walk. Most parents of toddlers are urged to give them a close look. Most airlines will require you to handover your stroller before boarding a plane. Once you arrive at your destination, your stroller should be waiting for you at the gate. Using a stroller makes it easy for you to move around the airport and quickly. This is ideal if you must hurry, like if you have short layovers.

Also, be sure to bring some formula, juice, and snacks for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Although you will find some restrictions, most airport security officers will allow a child’s drink to pass through, as long as it is a small quantity only. As for older children, like toddlers and preschoolers, you should be able to buy juice, water, and snacks at an airport store past security checkpoints. Doing so is nice, as they are no security concerns about doing so.

It is also important to bring a bag for your child. This bag should be filled with items that interest them. Depending on the age of your child, great items include books, stickers, coloring books and few crayons, small toys, and flash cards. These items will have to be scanned through airport security, so try to leave anything, namely toys, at home that may cause complications or delays.

Speaking of airport security, it is important to talk about the screening process and prepare your child for it. For many toddlers and preschoolers, the whole ordeal can seem a little bit overwhelming and scary. Your child will likely have to walk through the metal detectors themselves. If you are traveling with another adult, have one go through first, so that your child can walk towards a familiar face. You may even want to arrive at the airport early. This gives and your child the opportunity to watch others go through the screening process first.

As for the flight itself, toddlers and preschoolers may love having a window seat. If someone in your traveling party is assigned a window seat, try to let your toddler or preschool sit there instead. As for the bag full of goodies you brought, refrain from giving everything to your child all at once. This is likely to reduce boredom. For children who may have their own seats, portable DVD players and laptop computers are advised. They are a great way to keep a fussy child occupied. If using a laptop computer, be sure not to choose a movie that will exceed the laptop’s battery life, as this may result in a very unhappy child.

The above mentioned tips are just a few of the many that can help you, as a parent, when traveling by air with young children. For addition tips, just use your best judgment. As a parent, you should know what will help to keep your child interested and happy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Air Travel Flights

Air Travel Flights - Destinations Popular For Air Travelers

Are you interested in taking a short weekend trip or an extended vacation? If you are, you will find that you, literally, have an unlimited number of destinations to choose from. With that being said, you may be looking for some travel advice. If so, you will want to continue reading on. Below a number of destinations that are popular for air travelers are outlined.

Hawaii is one of the most common destinations flown to the United States. There are a number of different reasons why air travelers fly to Hawaii. Perhaps, the greatest reason why is because doing so is really the only way that vacationers can get there. Another reason for the popularity of Hawaii is because of all that you can do see. Hawaii is known for its breathtakingly beautiful beaches and all of its beach related activities.

In keeping with traveling by air to Hawaii, did you know that you have more air travel options than just arriving on the island? You do. Hawaii is comprised of a number of different islands. A few of these popular islands, which are known as popular vacation destinations, include Maui, Oahu, Kauai, and Big Island. There many helicopter tours in the area that can get you up in the air, as well as inter island flights, which can help you explore just about every aspect of Hawaii.

Europe is another popular vacation destination for those traveling by air. In addition to Europe, other foreign countries are also popular destinations. Foreign trips and international flights have increased in popularity over the years. For many travelers, it is actually much more affordable to travel overseas then originally though. Many international airlines offer some pretty decent deals and discounts on airfare. International travel, namely overseas travel, is ideal for those looking for fun, but with educational benefits as well.

Perhaps, the only downside to traveling to Europe is that you will need a passport to do so. Unfortunately, if you do not already have a passport, you may be in for a long wait. If you are looking to take a trip now or in the next few weeks, you may want to examine your other options.

Speaking of your other options, one of those options is traveling to California. California is another popular vacation destination for air travelers. This is because California is located on the west coast. For many parts of the country, California is just too far of a drive without a motor home and lots of time to spare. Due to California being a popular vacation destination for air travelers, you are likely to find some really great travel deals, especially when looking online.

As for why California is a popular vacation destination for air travelers, there are a number of different reasons. Many who travel to California are hoping to get a glimpse of celebrities that live and work in the area, many want to travel to the beach, and many others want to stop and take a wine country tour.

As previously stated, California, Europe, and Hawaii are popular destinations for those who travel by air. They are also a few of the destinations that you may want to consider for your next trip. As a reminder though, you have an unlimited number of destinations both in the United States and around the world to choose from.